In the winter and spring of 2010 Geoff Rogers and his company High Country Fencing completed the fencing required as part of the tenure review of Barrosa. We subsequently employed them to complete some hill fencing and some deer fencing on the flats. The wooden post and steel fencing on the hill was carried out at an impressive pace, with a high degree of skill, leaving a very tidy fence. Where they were able to drive posts with their bulldozer mounted post-driver on steep slopes in winter was impressive.

At all times the fencing crew were approachable on the job, and amendable to changes in line or distance. There was always consultation on floodgate construction and layout of gateways.

Geoff’s experience with helicopters made for very efficient use of helicopter time in flying gear out onto the line. The 0pportunity was offered regularly to inspect work in progress and at completion, and any minor changes made.

Prices for our fencing were related to the tenure review contract and very competitive.

I am pleased to recommend Geoff Rogers and High Country Fencing for hill country and flats fencing, post and waratah sheep fence and deer fence.